Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/17/84; site mhuxa.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!bonnie!akgua!whuxlm!whuxl!houxm!ihnp4!mhuxn!mhuxr!mhuxj!mhuxh!mhuxa!kpl From: kpl@mhuxa.UUCP (LONERGAN) Newsgroups:,net.unix Subject: hp2392a Termcap Message-ID: <282@mhuxa.UUCP> Date: Tue, 23-Jul-85 14:12:45 EDT Article-I.D.: mhuxa.282 Posted: Tue Jul 23 14:12:45 1985 Date-Received: Sat, 27-Jul-85 04:19:37 EDT Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill Lines: 7 Xref: watmath net.unix:5143 I am in search of a termcap for a hp2392a terminal. If anyone can help please send the termcap to mhuxj!kpl. Thanks, Karen Lonergan