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From: mark@gatech.CSNET (Mark Johnson)
Newsgroups: net.bicycle
Subject: Tour de France
Message-ID: <745@gatech.CSNET>
Date: Fri, 2-Aug-85 10:58:31 EDT
Article-I.D.: gatech.745
Posted: Fri Aug  2 10:58:31 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 3-Aug-85 05:45:10 EDT
Organization: School of Information and Computer Science, Georgia Tech, Atlanta
Lines: 21

I was not trying to imply that Hinault is the equal of Merckx. I do still
think he will be trying to win his sixth Tour (if he rides another one). I 
don't care what he tells the press. I don't think he "owes" Lemond anything.
Lemond was very well paid to do exactly what he did. I would love to see
Hinault ride for Lemond next year but I just can't imagine that it will happen.

I did read in Velo News that Mike Melton will be building all of Lemond's
bikes in the future.

On the Hour record:
   Bike Tech had an interesting article a few months ago comparing performances
of various record holders. Corrections were made for both altitude and bike
technology. I will try to dig it up and post excerpts.
Mark Johnson

(404) 894-2746 		(404) 894-3152 

CSNet:	Mark @ GATech		
ARPA:	Mark%GATech.CSNet @ CSNet-Relay.ARPA
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