Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/5/84; site umich.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!gamma!epsilon!mb2c!umich!buz From: buz@umich.UUCP (G. D. Buzzard) Newsgroups: net.bicycle Subject: Request for New England route info Message-ID: <201@umich.UUCP> Date: Mon, 29-Jul-85 16:27:14 EDT Article-I.D.: umich.201 Posted: Mon Jul 29 16:27:14 1985 Date-Received: Thu, 1-Aug-85 07:32:13 EDT Organization: University of Michigan, EECS Dept., Ann Arbor, MI Lines: 32 My girlfriend and I are planning a four day (of riding) vacation in New England at the end of August. Neither of us have cycled there before so we are interested in getting route information (and any other appropriate general information) from those who have. Our criteria are as follows: 1. Location: preferably Vermont as we will drive from Ann Arbor Michigan and don't want to spend any more time in the car than necessary, however, other highly recommended N.E. locations will be duly considered. 2. Daily mileage: 30 - 70 per day, depending on terrain and other diversionary activities (i.e. sightseeing, other recreation, etc.). Hilly terrain is acceptable, but we prefer not to spend all four days working our tails off. 3. Gearing: our bikes have low gears in the mid and high twenties, respectively. I am assuming this will not be a problem. 4. General: we want to travel rather economically, however, we do not want to carry camping equipment. Thus, any suggestions for reasonably priced accommodations will be appreciated (as will any additional suggestions for Country Inns, etc. that are too good to pass up on one or two nights). We want to travel light, so any suggestions for taking specific items that we might otherwise leave at home are also encouraged. Responses via E-mail please. Suggestions will be summarized and posted at a later date. Thanks in advance. Greg Buzzard ihnp4!umich!buz