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From: blanken@uiucdcs.Uiuc.ARPA
Newsgroups: net.bicycle
Subject: RAAM update: day 7 @ 8:15 EDT
Message-ID: <38200036@uiucdcs>
Date: Sun, 28-Jul-85 21:43:00 EDT
Article-I.D.: uiucdcs.38200036
Posted: Sun Jul 28 21:43:00 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 31-Jul-85 01:18:10 EDT
Lines: 28
Nf-ID: #N:uiucdcs:38200036:000:1046
Nf-From: uiucdcs.Uiuc.ARPA!blanken    Jul 28 20:43:00 1985

OK, here's more on the Race Across AMerica, and for your information these
updates are from the Official RAAM hotline in Orange County, CA.

Its day 7, and over 2000 miles have been covered. In the mens division
here are the standings as of 8:15 EDT.

1. Johnathan Boyer- race leader at checkpoint #783
2. Michael Secrest-80 miles back
3. Michael Shermer-224 miles back (which translates into 12 hours)
15. rider #50 is 851 miles back...

In the Womens division, here are the standings 

1. Shelby Hayden-Clifton-womens leader at checkpoint #689
2. Susan Notorangelo- 20 miles back...
3. Elaine Mariolle-75 miles back...

In the womens division, the race is fairly close, although it would be tough
for Mariolle to make up the 100 mile deficit, its possible, but that would
mean a loss of sleep time...a crucial element at this point in the race.
Notorangelo is in perfect position, and if she maintains it she has a good
chance to break a world record and win the race for the womens division.

More on the race as the updates come in...