Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site druri.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!mhuxt!houxm!mtuxo!drutx!druri!jhs From: jhs@druri.UUCP (ShoreJ) Newsgroups: net.bicycle Subject: Re: Greg LeMon(d) [sic] Message-ID: <1140@druri.UUCP> Date: Fri, 26-Jul-85 20:53:03 EDT Article-I.D.: druri.1140 Posted: Fri Jul 26 20:53:03 1985 Date-Received: Sun, 28-Jul-85 15:08:18 EDT References: <7085@Shasta.ARPA> Organization: AT&T Information Systems Laboratories, Denver Lines: 36 >What was Greg's understanding with La Vie Claire during the last stages of the >Tour De France - why did he feel obligated to work for Bernard on the last >climb and then cry about it on t.v.? What reason could his manager have given >him to hold back? If Greg went into first place dropping Roche, La Vie Claire >still had a winner. > >I am not so naive to misunderstand the chauvanism >of the French, but was Greg? -- Evan Tick He worked for Hinnault because "The Badger" hired him. He cried about it on TV because business arrangements and Le Mond's integrity don't cancel out emotions. And TV was there--Le Mond didn't ask for eyewitnesses to his personal distress. He knew it might be his only/best chance, but he still honored his commitment to Hinnault. Speculation: his manager probably reminded him of all of the above, then noted that he (Le Mond) could stick it in his ear forever after if he didn't honor the contract, real or implied. La Vie Claire having the winner be the FIVE-TIME Tour champion was more important than just having *a* winner. You don't often get a chance to plug your products with a "living legend" that shares the company of Mercyx (sp?) and Coppi. You *are* naive (that's really not intended as a flame; but fair's fair, so fire back if that'll make you feel better). The French have no monopoly on chauvinism and it is not really important what the nationality of the rider was in this case. [Do you recall that that "French" team had American, Canadian, and Dutch (or was he Belgian?) riders working for Hinnault?] Greg is no man's fool--witness his business dealings AND riding over the last couple of years. All things being equal next year, Hinnault *will* "sacrifice for Greg, and Le Mond will be the first American winner of the Tour. -- Jeff Shore, ..!ihnp4!druri!jhs