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From: blanken@uiucdcs.Uiuc.ARPA
Newsgroups: net.bicycle
Subject: RAAM update: day 5 @ 1:30pm
Message-ID: <38200034@uiucdcs>
Date: Thu, 25-Jul-85 14:22:00 EDT
Article-I.D.: uiucdcs.38200034
Posted: Thu Jul 25 14:22:00 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 28-Jul-85 05:47:57 EDT
Lines: 30
Nf-ID: #N:uiucdcs:38200034:000:1046
Nf-From: uiucdcs.Uiuc.ARPA!blanken    Jul 25 13:22:00 1985

This is the first RAAM update that I could get, there may have been some 
communications problems because the hotline was not operating correctly
last night.

In the men's division, here are the standings as of 1:30pm EDT on July 25,1985.

1. Michael Secrest-just outside Enterprise, OK.
2. Jonathan Boyer- 29 miles back
3. Michael Shermer-65 miles back
4.Kye Waltermier-202 miles back

The update gave no information about Rider #3, which is Lon Haldeman.
But there has been a tragic accident, Rider #23, Wayne Phillips, was hit
by a car early thursday morning and has been hospitalized. He is reported in
stable condition. He is in a hospital in Amarillo, TX. The accident was hit and
run, the driver was not apprehended.

In the womans's division, here are the standings as of 1:30pm EDT on July 25,
The womens leader was somewhere between Binger and Minco, OK at checkpoint 365.

1. Shelby-Hayden Clifton
2. Susan Notorangelo-10 miles back
3. Elaine Mariolle-67 miles back

More on the Race Across AMerica as updates come in...