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From: jhs@druri.UUCP (ShoreJ)
Newsgroups: net.bicycle
Subject: Re: Vetta Chain Cleaner
Message-ID: <1136@druri.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 31-Jul-85 02:24:00 EDT
Article-I.D.: druri.1136
Posted: Wed Jul 31 02:24:00 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 26-Jul-85 20:05:31 EDT
References: <2086@iddic.UUCP>, <880@yale.ARPA>
Organization: AT&T Information Systems Laboratories, Denver
Lines: 29

Re: what solvent to use with the VETTA.

 > I use a strong detergent solution (formula 409, fantastic, etc.)
 > and then use alchohol to dry things up.  Works well, and there are
 > no nasty fumes.
	 > David Wittenberg   wittenberg@yale  (csnet or arpa)

Agreed, and it's LOTS cheaper than using the "VETTA Chain Conditioner"!
At $3.29 per 8 fl.oz. (locally in Denver), VETTA's concoction approaches
JW Red in cost. However....

When it came to oiling/greasing/lubricating/gooping a chain, I used to
be of the old slosh-it-on-until-it-drowns school. Now I clean the chain
as David recommends [although I use `alcohol' instead--sorry, David. :-)],
empty the Vetta Cleaner, then re-fill it with Vetta's conditioner, and
slowly cycle the chain through it once. When done, I drain the stuff back
into the bottle through a funnel/fine filter (cheesecloth works well, too).
It then gets very inexpensive; one bottle could last a full summer or more.

Why all that? Because the stuff seems to work as well as any good oil but
without the mess, fumes, etc. The chain also seems to pick up less dirt than 
with oil. Besides, it smells a bit like bubble gum. :-) [Since I've only been
using the stuff for a while, <500 road miles, I reserve the right to be wrong!]
If anyone else has tried the stuff (Vetta's), I'd like more feedback, too.

-- Jeff Shore at ..!ihnp4!druri!jhs
