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Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!cmcl2!seismo!lll-crg!dual!apple!lsr
From: lsr@apple.UUCP (Larry Rosenstein)
Newsgroups: net.bicycle
Subject: Re: left turns
Message-ID: <6514@apple.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 24-Jul-85 13:25:44 EDT
Article-I.D.: apple.6514
Posted: Wed Jul 24 13:25:44 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 26-Jul-85 02:12:11 EDT
References: <605@intelca.UUCP> <415@spar.UUCP>
Reply-To: lsr@apple.UUCP (Larry Rosenstein)
Distribution: net
Organization: Advanced Development Group, Apple Computer
Lines: 13

I recall reading in Bicycling a long time ago that the way to trip
these traffic lights is to ride over the edge of the loop.  (This
does assume that you can see the loop, which is another reason to get
cities to paint squares around the loop.)  I have had good success
using this technique, even with non-figure-8 loops.

Larry Rosenstein
Apple Computer

UUCP:  {nsc, dual, voder, ios, mtxinu}!apple!lsr
CSNET: lsr@Apple.CSNET