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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!mhuxn!ihnp4!mgnetp!mgweed!wew
From: wew@mgweed.UUCP (Ed Weiss)
Newsgroups: net.bicycle
Subject: Biking in Southern California
Message-ID: <19091@mgweed.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 24-Jul-85 13:31:38 EDT
Article-I.D.: mgweed.19091
Posted: Wed Jul 24 13:31:38 1985
Date-Received: Thu, 25-Jul-85 22:12:31 EDT
Organization: AT&T Information Systems - Montgomery Illinois
Lines: 19

My wife turns the big 5-0 on her birthday next January 20th. We are both 
avid bike riders and think it would be fun to do some touring in
celebration of the event. We've heard that southern California has
some great biking facilities as well as year around biking events.
We're thinking about the San Diego area.

Can someone help us with addresses and names to write to for information?
Are there some clubs we could get in touch with?  Does anyone have
some first hand info on bike trails and paths in the area?
Is there some department to write in Sacramento?

We would appreciate any help you might be able to provide. Biking
around here in Northern Illinois at that time of the year is
rather grimmmmm!

				Ed Weiss