Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/3/84; site teddy.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!cmcl2!seismo!harvard!talcott!panda!teddy!rdp From: rdp@teddy.UUCP Newsgroups: net.astro Subject: Astrological stuff Message-ID: <1081@teddy.UUCP> Date: Thu, 1-Aug-85 11:44:46 EDT Article-I.D.: teddy.1081 Posted: Thu Aug 1 11:44:46 1985 Date-Received: Sat, 3-Aug-85 07:12:07 EDT Reply-To: rdp@teddy.UUCP (Richard D. Pierce) Organization: GenRad, Inc., Concord, Mass. Lines: 80 ... The recent debate in this news group over astrology has generated a lot of ill-will amonst many here. I suspect that I may be responsible for some of it myself. The discussions seem to center on purging the newsgroup of the evil menace of astrology, not WHY it should be purged. I have a proposal to make. Instead of casting the heathens of atrology out of the Astronomical temple, let's engage in a cool, rational, scientific debate on the merits or lack thereof of astrological principles. It is only this way that a homeland can be found for the wandering astrologists. Why engage in such a debate in this group? Several reasons: o Astrology, like it or not, DOES share the smae parentage as astronomy. If it's related to anything, it's related to astronomy. o As "Sunny" points out, much of the mathematical astronomy was performed by astrologists, but many errors where ignored because of the insistance of the validity of a geocentric model. o If those of us who have such firm beliefs in the validity of scientific astronomy can convince those others, using straight- forward reasoning, observational evidence, unbiased experiments and cool logic, of the errors of their ways, then not only will the group be purged of astrology, but EVERYONE will learn quite a bit about the scientific method. Only by avoiding derogatories, insults, and name calling can we avoid the spectre of having our noses in the air. Sunny's comments a few articles back are well taken here. I strongly disagree with her(?) viewpoints, but I would like to try to refrain from getting into arguments having nothing to do with the issue at hand. I think, in fact I am strongly convinced, that modern astrology is so much nonsense, and I have good reasons for that conviction. Other people think differently. Why don't we try to convince them otherwise. The people in net.misc, net.jokes, net.religion or won't do that. I think that by convincing these people about the errors in astrology, I am raising their general level of knowledge (if for no other reason than by adding to it). Sure, as an active amateur astronomer, let's engage in a polite, SCIENTIFIC debate on astrology. If we are so right, we should be able to prove it without resulting to kicking and punching, right? SO, let me fire the first salvo... My objections to astrology arise from several sources. Let me deal with one. The concepts of astrology have never, to my knowledge, been subject to the critical, skeptical rigors of the scientific method. There seems to be no underlying theory, based on widely-accepted physical laws, that describe mechanisms, observations, and lead to prediction and subsequent discovery of new phenomenon. I once watched a "debate" between two proffesional astrologers and two professional astronomers. Continuosly, the astrologers were asking the astronomers to accept the pricnciples of astroloy on faith, that they knew what they knew because of their "experience". The astronomers pressed for an underlying theory, for the mechanisms behind the principles. Finally, one of the astrologers said something like "Einstein proved astrology is correct!", and, when asked how, continued, "The theory of relativity proves it. It proves that everything is related in the universe!". This sort of fighting went back and forth. The impression that I got at the end of the show was that the astrologers did NOT have any underlying theories or even conjectures to their beliefs. Astrology, I have read, was thrown into something of a dissarray with the discovery of the outer planets. Here were some more agents moving around that were completely unaccounted for in the tenets of astrology. Yet, through careful investigation, observations, calculations, and the application of a theory of interaction between bodies (Newtonian gravity and Keplerian mechanics), the scientific community had succeeded in predicting the existance of these bodies. Has astrology been able, using it's priciples, been able to make similar "predictions"? To my knowledge, they have not. Dick Pierce