Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/5/84; site scgvaxd.UUCP Path: utzoo!linus!decvax!tektronix!hplabs!sdcrdcf!trwrb!scgvaxd!chris From: chris@scgvaxd.UUCP (Chris Yoder) Newsgroups: net.astro,net.misc, Subject: Re: Temperature-limited geographic location Message-ID: <360@scgvaxd.UUCP> Date: Wed, 17-Jul-85 22:31:01 EDT Article-I.D.: scgvaxd.360 Posted: Wed Jul 17 22:31:01 1985 Date-Received: Sun, 21-Jul-85 23:41:11 EDT References: <11497@brl-tgr.ARPA> <272@aero.ARPA> Reply-To: chris@scgvaxd.UUCP (Chris Yoder) Distribution: net Organization: Hughes Aircraft Co., El Segundo, CA Lines: 28 Xref: linus net.astro:680 net.misc:6792 Summary: [Go ahead bug, make my day] In article <272@aero.ARPA> sivan@aero.UUCP (Sivan Mahadevan (ISRO)) writes: >In article <11497@brl-tgr.ARPA> wmartin@brl-tgr.ARPA (Will Martin ) writes: >> >>What I am looking for is a site where the temperature never(*) drops >>below freezing, and never gets above, say, 80 degrees F or so, for >>totally natural reasons (i.e., the inside of a building doesn't count). >>Maybe some island somewhere, or some mountain valley in the tropics, or >>some coastal location warmed by currents, or the like? >> Hawaii, just about anywhere. I say just about because there are actually some places where it freezes, like on the top of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa (both over 13,800 ft.). I lived on the Big Island (the island of Hawaii) in Hilo while growing up and it rarely got above 80 and even more rarely got below 60. Course, it rains 120 inches a year... (240 up the mountain a ways). Now all you have to do is scrounge up a job... -- -- Chris Yoder UUCP --- {allegra|ihnp4}!scgvaxd!engvax!chris{ The opinions here are representative of Huge Aircrash, not me and *especially* not of my poor little keyboard. 8-)= }