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Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!cmcl2!seismo!rpics!weltyc
From: weltyc@rpics.UUCP (Christopher A. Welty)
Newsgroups: net.astro,
Subject: Testing newsgroup
Message-ID: <134@rpics.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 17-Jul-85 10:31:28 EDT
Article-I.D.: rpics.134
Posted: Wed Jul 17 10:31:28 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 20-Jul-85 16:55:09 EDT
Distribution: net
Organization: RPI Computer Science Dept.
Lines: 12
Xref: linus net.astro:663

	Is there anyone reading this newsgroup?  I'm not sure I'm
getting it.  Please, if you see this, respond to me and to this
group, so I know if anything is getting out or in...

Christopher Welty  RPI Computer Science Dept.     *   *   *   *   *
weltyc%rpi@csnet-relay		ARPA               \ / \ / \ / \ /
weltyc@rpi			CSNET               \           /
seismo!rpics!weltyc		UUCP                 -----------
                                            REX QUONDAM  REXQUE FUTURUS