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Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!cmcl2!seismo!lll-crg!dual!unisoft!mtxinu!rtech!jeff
From: jeff@rtech.UUCP (Jeff Lichtman)
Newsgroups: net.analog,net.jokes
Subject: Re: Re: Another Bumber Sticker I would like to see
Message-ID: <581@rtech.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 30-Jul-85 03:15:57 EDT
Article-I.D.: rtech.581
Posted: Tue Jul 30 03:15:57 1985
Date-Received: Thu, 1-Aug-85 05:36:04 EDT
References: <819@vax2.fluke.UUCP> <1198@ihuxe.UUCP>
Organization: Relational Technology, Alameda CA
Lines: 26
Xref: linus net.analog:395 net.jokes:11409

> > Is there any way, or anyone out there, that can convince the nerds submitting
> > bumper stickers to net.analog to knock it off? ...
> Let the nerds have their fun; some of the bumper sticker jokes are so stupid
> they *are* funny...
> Re: your digitally controlled PLL low frequency function generator...
> I have used the Intersil ICL8038 Precision Waveform Generator tied to a
> Motorola MC4344 Phase Frequency Detector and controlled by a 12-bit DAC
> to achieve 60 ppm stability at 0.005 Hz.  If you work at it, you can go
> lower in frequency and get better stability than the above.
> 	Larry Lippman

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!  This is the funniest joke I have read in a long time!
Please send more of them to net.jokes right away!  (Fair's fair, right?)

Q: How many X1 does it take to X2 an X3?

A: ln(X1) * sqrt(X2) / X3
Jeff Lichtman at rtech (Relational Technology, Inc.)
aka Swazoo Koolak

{amdahl, sun}!rtech!jeff
{ucbvax, decvax}!mtxinu!rtech!jeff