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Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!cmcl2!lanl!crs
From: crs@lanl.ARPA
Newsgroups: net.analog
Subject: Re: Sugestions for flash ADC needed
Message-ID: <28485@lanl.ARPA>
Date: Fri, 19-Jul-85 09:43:19 EDT
Article-I.D.: lanl.28485
Posted: Fri Jul 19 09:43:19 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 20-Jul-85 17:46:51 EDT
References: <28450@lanl.ARPA>
Organization: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Lines: 36

> I am in need of a flash ADC with about a 100 msps conversion rate and 
> eight bit minimum resolution. A converter with a low power drain would
> be nice also, since the project this ADC will be used in will use about
> 1200 of them. Any ideas??
> Thanks in advance,
>   Scott (the sorcerer's apprentice) Chesney
>   hsc@lanl.ARPA

I apologize for not replying by mail but my success rate has not been
that good lately by that route.

I just noticed such a device yesterday in the 15 July issue of
_Electronic_Products_ in the "EP/IC Update section (p 91).  The one
mentioned is the Siemens SDA 8010 (contact Janet Hartley 201-321-8788)
186 Wood Ave. S., Iselin, NJ 08830.

Oops!  Company's full name is Siemens Communications System Inc.

I'm not personally familiar with the product but here are the summary
specifications from the magazine:

8 bits. Sampling frequency of 100 MHz; signal bandwidth of 50 MHz; 1.3-W
power dissipation; +-1/2 lsb linearity.  ECL compatible.  24 pin
ceramic DIP.

You may also want to enquire of RCA and TRW Semiconductor;  I know that
they make flash adc's.
All opinions are mine alone...

Charlie Sorsby