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From: prindle@nadc
Newsgroups: net.micro.cbm
Subject: Re: Problems with 1200 baud Kermit
Message-ID: <2478@topaz.ARPA>
Date: Wed, 3-Jul-85 16:00:34 EDT
Article-I.D.: topaz.2478
Posted: Wed Jul  3 16:00:34 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 5-Jul-85 07:12:25 EDT
Sender: daemon@topaz.ARPA
Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.
Lines: 48

From: prindle@NADC

1200 Baud is no major problem on the 64, provided you know the "wrinkles", and
Kermit does (at least the assembly version, not the forth).  By now it's no
big secret - 1. use assembly language, 2. use non-standard baud rate to
compensate for kernel bugs, 3. carefully control when bytes are transmitted
relative to incoming data, 4. time outgoing bytes so they are not written to
the rs-232 buffer faster than 120/sec.  Once you do all this, it always works
great (in fact, so many programs, commercial and otherwise, now depend on the
aforementioned kernel bug, that Commodore doesn't dare fix it, even in the 
128!).  I suspect that 2400 baud is possible, although I haven't heard of
anyone with the requisite equipment having tried it out - the tough part is
deriving the correct non-standard baud rate constant, mostly by trial and
error. The only possible hitch is that the kernel will have to contend with
an interrupt every 415 microseconds instead of every 830, and it's beginning
to approach the point where the kernel overhead may leave very little
CPU time for the comm program itself.  Full duplex (ie. hitting a key while
incoming data is being displayed) further increases the number of interrupts
to be serviced.  Also, scrolling the screen takes sufficiently long that
flow control (xon,xoff) will be a necessity at 2400 if it works at all.

As for the person who was having trouble with kermit at 1200 baud on the
foreign model c64, there are two possibilities.  1. The first few releases
of c64 kermit did not support 1200 baud, so you may have one of those.  2. The
kernel is supposed to take care of the different CPU/DOT clock rates when
dealing with PAL standard c64s, but if they could screw up the baud rate clock
settings in general, they probably screwed this up too.

As further proof of the feasability of 1200 baud, I took the crude terminal
program from the C64 PRG (written in BASIC), and literally translated it to
C, modified for 1200 baud, compiled it with Brian Hilchie's C-Power, and it
works just fine.  In spite of the relatively unoptimized code generated, it's
main loop was still fast enough to keep up with 1200 baud with half the loop
spent idle.

Much of the "bad-press" regarding the c64 and 1200 baud resulted from early
commercial terminal programs whose authors made the fatal mistake of believing
something they read in a piece of Commodore documentation without testing
it!  Even the first two versions of Compuserve's VIDTEX program suffered from
this effect - they made up some pretty ridiculous excuses (for 1200 baud
anomalys) in their documentation before they figured out what they were really
doing wrong.

Lastly, to be technically correct, replace "baud" in all the previous
discussion with the correct term: "bits per second".

Frank Prindle