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Path: utzoo!watmath!watarts!molefeuvre
From: molefeuvre@watarts.UUCP (Michael O LeFeuvre)
Subject: Re: boyfriends
Message-ID: <8383@watarts.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 7-Apr-85 14:33:46 EST
Article-I.D.: watarts.8383
Posted: Sun Apr  7 14:33:46 1985
Date-Received: Mon, 8-Apr-85 02:12:39 EST
References: <1186@houxm.UUCP> <1246@reed.UUCP>
Organization: U of Waterloo, Ontario
Lines: 23
Xref: watmath net.women:4733

> > Did you ever say you had a boyfriend when you didn't?  Why?  Did you want others
> > to think you had one?
> ...yes (to get an obnoxious guy at a bus stop to stop
> hassling me)
> Incidentally, now that I am more trained as a fighter, I would
> change that one "yes" to a "no."  There are more direct ways to
> end harassment than evasive references to mythical boyfriends.
> Ellen

Well, Now that *I* am more trained as a fighter (4 years of Karate)
I have a greater appreciation of of the *less* direct ways of ending

I might use physical intimidation as a bluff to get someone of my back,
but for a woman responding to a man such a bluff is bound to be called...

  - Rather than fight, run.
  - If you can't run, hide.
  - If you can't hide, fight to kill...  but not over petty harrasment.

                    Carlo @ the U of Waterloo