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From: susan@vaxwaller.UUCP (Susan Finkelman)
Newsgroups: net.women
Subject: Re: Margaret Sanger on shared responsibility for birth control
Message-ID: <242@vaxwaller.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 3-Apr-85 12:57:49 EST
Article-I.D.: vaxwalle.242
Posted: Wed Apr  3 12:57:49 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 6-Apr-85 03:06:26 EST
References: <496@harvard.ARPA> <642@wlcrjs.UUCP> <4952@mit-vax.UUCP>
Distribution: net
Organization: Varian, Walnut Creek, CA
Lines: 29

> Previous comments on condoms in wallets, douches as "birth control in
> movies" and a few other peccadillos convince me that people (men in
> particular) aren't always rock-solid in how they approach the subject.
> Since women carry all the biological risks ((risk of) pregnancy vs. side
> effects of birth control) THEY should decide which set of risks they
> like best.  [Side issue:  I wouldn't object if my partner specified that
> that meant I supply condoms, or a specific variety of condoms.  If a
> vasectomy were the issue that might require further discussion...]
> I guess that works out to a gratuitous suggestion that women make a
> point of taking care of things themselves, however they decide to do it.
> If a woman is sexually active it makes sense for her to have ultimate
> control over her fertility.  I don't know what that says about moral
> responsibility or any other ethical question, nor who wants a license to
> play (in response to Jeannette Zobjeck).  That suggestion is orthogonal
> to spontaneity or anything else.
> -- 
> Oded Feingold			UUCP:	mitvax!oaf
> MIT AI Lab			Arpa:	oaf%oz@mit-mc.ARPA
> 545 Tech Sq.			AT&T:	617-253-8598 work
> Cambridge, Mass. 02139		617-371-1796 home (and answering machine)

Men are not excused, legally or morally, from the care of a child which
they've fathered (a major biological risk of pregnancy)

	Susan Finkelman (415) 945-2274
	Varian Instruments, 2700 Mitchell Dr.  Walnut Creek, Ca. 94598