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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!mhuxt!houxm!whuxl!whuxlm!harpo!decvax!genrad!panda!talcott!harvard!seismo!rochester!cmu-cs-pt!cmu-cs-spice!bolosky
From: bolosky@cmu-cs-spice.ARPA (William Bolosky)
Newsgroups: net.wanted,net.micro
Subject: TRS-80 expansion interface Wanted
Message-ID: <329@cmu-cs-spice.ARPA>
Date: Mon, 1-Apr-85 22:21:17 EST
Article-I.D.: cmu-cs-s.329
Posted: Mon Apr  1 22:21:17 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 3-Apr-85 02:40:57 EST
Organization: Carnegie-Mellon University, CS/RI
Lines: 13
Xref: watmath net.wanted:6131 net.micro:9912

I am interested in purchacing an expansion interface for a TRS-80 Model I
computer having 48k memory a printer interface and an interface for a pair
of Percom disk drives.  I bought this hardware used a few months ago, and
the Expansion interface has conked out.  I took it to Radio Shack and they
told me that since it had been modified by non-Radio Shack people that they
couldn't fix it.  Hence, I have a computer, printer and drives and no way to
connect them.

Prices are negoitable.

Send replies to bolosky@cmu-cs-spice or wb0g@cmu-cc-tb (bitnet).  

					Bill Bolosky