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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!ihnp4!ihu1n!amra
From: amra@ihu1n.UUCP (s. aldrich)
Newsgroups: net.religion,net.politics
Subject: Re: Don Black, Nazis, ...(Might Makes Right???)
Message-ID: <236@ihu1n.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 5-Apr-85 13:41:44 EST
Article-I.D.: ihu1n.236
Posted: Fri Apr  5 13:41:44 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 6-Apr-85 03:14:57 EST
References: <2580@ihuxf.UUCP> <1345@aecom.UUCP> <487@lll-crg.ARPA>
Distribution: net
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories
Lines: 44
Xref: watmath net.religion:6524 net.politics:8404

> In article <1345@aecom.UUCP> teitz@aecom.UUCP (Eliyahu Teitz) writes:
> >
> >	I really do not believe what I am reading. Was Hitler wrong? If he had
> > won the war, would he be right? How can a man, for any twisted crazy ideal go
> > and kill one person, let alone 6,000,000. What right does any person have to 
> > kill innocent people. 
> Actually, if Hitler had won, he would indeed have been correct.  Not from
> *my* point of view, of course, but I would be dead.  In fact, as I recall,
> he wanted to kill everyone who didn't believe as he did, so the only people
> left alive would be those that agreed with him, or said they did.  Regard-
> less of what you may believe, "right" and "wrong" are societally defined, 
> they are *not* inborn.  Thus, if everyone in my society thinks as I do, 
> then I am right.  If Hitler killed off all the people that didn't think as
> he did, his society would have agreed with him, and he would be right.
> Certainly, I don't believe that killing even one person is right, but that
> is definitely not instinctive.  If the rules change, so does what is
> "right."
>                                        Muffy

{..."Now there's a look in your eyes, like blackholes in the sky...."}

 There's no way I'm going to swallow the argument that Hitler was "wrong"
 only because he lost the war. This is a very dangerous position to take
 as there are many who will then use "similiar means" to "condone" their
 own actions. 

 In light of this "philosophy" which you and Spence propagated, are/were the
 American Indians/Native Americans WRONG to oppose the usurpation of their
 lands, culture, population, etc by the "White-Devils"? After all, they 
 were on the "losing-side". Do they have ANY RIGHT to seek restitution from
 the "descendants"? SHould we go ahead and "finish them off" because WE'RE
 RIGHT? (According to your theory anyway!)

 I find such attitudes to be REPREHENSIBLE and Disgusting! 

  From The Random Association Of Atoms Known As:
    Steve Aldrich (ihnp4!ihu1n!amra)

  "..Will you stand with those who say, `Let His Will Be Done`? One Hand
  On The Bible, One Hand On The Gun!" J. Croce