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From: pmk@prometheus.UUCP (Paul M Koloc)
Newsgroups: net.physics
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Ball lightning
Message-ID: <138@prometheus.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 6-Apr-85 17:45:26 EST
Article-I.D.: promethe.138
Posted: Sat Apr  6 17:45:26 1985
Date-Received: Mon, 8-Apr-85 01:24:17 EST
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Organization: Prometheus II Ltd., College Park, MD
Lines: 70

> > It's also dangerous 
> > because of its energetic currents, (soft Xrays) and relativistic electron 
> > current beam induced transmutation of elements in bricks in a chimmey where 
> > ... .. etc. 

> This is a little too much to swallow.  If you ever come by a reference in
> a journal which explains the mystery of ball lightning I would like to see it.

------------------------------ W A R N I N G --------------------------
This is not a journal and will discuss the nature of ball lightning.  But the 
bites are smaller and only the energetic currents will be discussed, and some 
evidence of X-ray damage (which usually indicates relativistic currents).  

The tokamak is a toroidal device which is operated with "thermal electron"
currents during normal use.  However, the generation of "runaways occur when 
the working ranges of current driving EMF's vs particle density are being 
determined.  For TFTR 10e13 particle densities and 50v per loop are enough to 
generate runaways. The drive profile has to be turned down after the initial 
lead pulse since the collision cross section for the hotter thermals drops as 
they heat up. 

The drive pulse is "on" for tens of milliseconds so that runaways above 5 mev 
have occurred, as evidenced by the the Wolfram (tungsten) limiters becoming
radioactive when they were bombarded by the runaways after disruption.  

Similar multicircuit EMF voltage integrations of internal currents during the 
formation of ball lightnings are probable.  Look at the higher driving 
voltages of lightning and the faster inductive collapse times.  Our estimates
are that electrons currents will be driven by loop EMF's of several tens of kv
with accumulation times of 2 to 5 microseconds.  Several thousand circuits will
yield electron kinetic energies on the order of ten mev.  This is
also true of our proposed formation scheme, which generates the PMK structure
(Mantle and Kernel vacuum field, currents and plasma) from a single energy 
storage bank. (Want to help send money or electronic framing camera or both, 
and we'll return the camera after a few months and with pictures).  

The only evidence of the elemental transmutation of ball lightning struck brick
came from a Brit with plenty of initials (D. E. T. F. Ashby) who is responsible
for some significant portion of the UK component of the JET work at Culham.  
Check out a book "Nature of Ball Lightning" by Stanley Singer, Plenum Press 70.

Monday I will be meeting (first time) with an Air Force radiologist 
(MD, PhD), that spent a year working with the French Government verifying
and estimating the extent and nature of radiation burns caused by proximate
human encounters with ball lightnings.  I'll get back to you bye email with 

This damage is probably due to soft X-rays, generated by the small angle
scattering of the DENSE beam currents within the bl. Incidently, the first
Spheromak generated by G Goldenbaum of the University of Maryland, Laboratory 
for Plasma and Fusion Energy Studies, had toroidal currents (.55 kamp) 
exceeding the then largest tokamak the PPPL's  PLT (Princeton) although the
diameter was only six inches. (thermals) The L/R time for energetic currents
are ~10 sec,  and for thermals a few ~10 microseconds.  Loss of energetic 
currents would cause a catastophic decay.  Consequently, the high internal 
magnetic energy density, the field collapse, flash ohmic heating of the plasma 
could easily explain the huge shock detonations associated with ball lightning 
disruption.  The instaneous collapse of any stray dipole field (~ 1 or 2 kg 
that is non-neutralized by mantle currents) of the bl could easily generate 
killing EMF's and >1amp lethal brain shocking currents. Professor Richman's 
body had no apparent external damage. 

| pmk@prometheus: (301) 445-1075                        | FUSION | 
| Prometheus II Ltd., College Park, MD 20740-0222       |  this  | 
| ..!{umcp-cs,seismo}!prometh!pmk                       | decade |