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Path: utzoo!laura
From: laura@utzoo.UUCP (Laura Creighton)
Newsgroups: net.philosophy
Subject: Re: Rosen on reason, etc.
Message-ID: <5303@utzoo.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 20-Mar-85 14:31:00 EST
Article-I.D.: utzoo.5303
Posted: Wed Mar 20 14:31:00 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 20-Mar-85 14:31:00 EST
References: <1074@decwrl.UUCP> <5266@utzoo.UUCP>, <720@pyuxd.UUCP>
Organization: U of Toronto Zoology
Lines: 17

you keep missing it. There are some things that we do not know because
we don't have enough information (but we might get it some day). There
are other things that it is simply impossible to ever know. The assumption
that ``all things are knowable'' (if not at the present time, then at
least in some possible future time) is as much an act of faith as anything

Do tell me what knowledge you will need to know before you can tell me
why we have a law of gravity at all? Saying that asking why to such a
fact presupposes a creator will not wash -- what you are saying is that
``the universe is that way and it does not have to justify itself''
which is okay as an answer, but also what I was saying earlier.

Laura Creighton