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Path: utzoo!linus!philabs!cmcl2!seismo!harvard!godot!mit-eddie!genrad!decvax!mcnc!bch
From: bch@mcnc.UUCP (Byron Howes)
Subject: Re: Him
Message-ID: <420@mcnc.mcnc.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 20-Mar-85 11:10:53 EST
Article-I.D.: mcnc.420
Posted: Wed Mar 20 11:10:53 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 24-Mar-85 04:25:37 EST
References: <244@cmu-cs-gandalf.ARPA> <280@scgvaxd.UUCP>
Reply-To: bch@mcnc.UUCP (Byron Howes)
Organization: North Carolina Educational Computing Service
Lines: 55

In article <280@scgvaxd.UUCP> dan@scgvaxd.UUCP (Dan Boskovich) writes:
> TRUE, science can not prove the  existence  of  a  creator.  However,
> science  can  observe  EVIDENCE of a creation.  This is what creation
> SCIENCE is doing.  Both the creation model and  the  evolution  model
> are  unproven  theorys.  The  question  is,  what does the scientific
> evidence point to?  Creation or evolution?
> Creationists DO NOT have to prove the existance of  a  creator,  they
> are  merely  collecting  and  dispursing the scientific evidence of a
> creation.

No!  As has been said many times in this group this is simply not the
case.  Creationists collect and disperse information which supposedly
refutes evolutionary theory.  This is not the same as scientific evidence
of a creation.  To wit:

> For example, concerning the fossil record, the creation  model  would
> predict  a  sudden  and  abrupt appearance of highly complex forms of
> life without evidence of ancestral or transitional forms according to
> the evolutionary model.
> Since this is what the  fossil  record  has produced, this  would  be
> scientific evidence of creation.
Note the failure to discuss spermata theory (the technical name for
"little green men"-type theories) and the assertion (incorrect) that
there are no ancestral or transitional forms in the fossil record.
(Read other articles in this newsgroup to see how creationists insist
that in order to be defined as a transitional form a fossil must
have precisely the features they expect it to have...)

> Now, Mr.  Keebler, I challenge you to offer me any clear, sound,  and
> cut  and  dried  proof  of  Evolution!  Tell  me  the  mechanism  for
> Evolution?  Give me some examples  of  upward  mutations  which  have
> resulted   in   transmutation.   Produce   some  fossil  evidence  of
> transitional forms or even ancestors of current species.  Just as you
> evolutionsts  like  to  say,  I  have  never  seen  any  REAL, SOUND,
> scientific evidence of Evolution, just pseudo-scientific debunking of
> religious items that have no bearing at all on the real issues!

Now, unless G-d is a trickster (which I doubt) the overwhelming pre-
ponderance of the evidence indicates the existance of evolutionary
processes.  Creationists dust of their comparatively small compendium
of erroneous and (apparantly) anomalous data in terms of evolutionary
predictions wave it about and assert that it somehow "proves" a creation.
As no scientific theory is ultimately proveable (or ultimately refutable)
reasonability leads me to go with the weight of the evidence rather
than hanging around waiting for some "cut and dried" proof on any side.


						Byron C. Howes