Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!allegra!bellcore!decvax!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-lymph!arndt
From: arndt@lymph.DEC
Subject: Those were the days!!
Message-ID: <1237@decwrl.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 21-Mar-85 19:01:10 EST
Article-I.D.: decwrl.1237
Posted: Thu Mar 21 19:01:10 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 23-Mar-85 02:48:35 EST
Sender: daemon@decwrl.UUCP
Organization: DEC Engineering Network
Lines: 46

Ahhhhh boy!!  Give a jerk an inch and he makes a federal case out of it.
First we had "the bible says the earth is flat", then "the bible says the
sun stood still", NOW we have the 'problem' of days!!!

Do you guys do this stuff on purpose or is it because you never had any
liberal arts courses?  Just techie techie all day long.

The word translated 'day' in Genesis is used to denote a single 24 hour
period of time and an undetermined period - just like the title to this
posting.  The context determins how it should be understood.  The first
'day' of the creation 'days' was before the sun was created and so not
likely to be a 24 hour period but simply an undetermined period of time.
By the way, the order of creation given in Genesis goes along with what
we now believe to be the order things appeared on the earth from the remains
(fossils) we have found.  Of course we disregard the fact that they appear
suddenly, as they would if they were created, because that doesn't fit the
religion of evolution.  No square fish, you know?

Anyway, when the language of the bible speaks of days it does so both ways.
Just like little ole you and me.  Surprise, surprise.  To say the seven 
'days' of Genesis are literally seven 24 hour periods is not necessary from
the text.  Understand????  Therefore, to take a LITERAL (your favorite word)
interpertation of the bible does NOT mean you have to believe God made the
world in seven literal days.  Can you hi-tech nerds follow that???

Besides, as (I have the quote guys) a famous scientist says, God COULD have
created the whole shooting match five minutes ago and how the heck would we
be able to tell?????  I mean if you create a process, which came first, the
chicken or the egg?  Just like those silly old schoolmen used to wonder, if
Adam had a navel.

Checked your Astrioptroplops (feathered fish) lately???  Other scientists
are. Seems the feathers are coming off at least two maybe more of the six
in captivity.  Something about drying glue.

Hey, throw me some more chestnuts.  Always like an easy out at bat.

Keep chargin'

Ken Arndt

PS  I realize it's not all that cut and dried.  Some real problems to be
faced gang.  On my side I mean.  Only let's cut out the jr. frollicks jazz.