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From: colonel@gloria.UUCP (Col. G. L. Sicherman)
Subject: Re: evolution: science or metaphysics
Message-ID: <1009@gloria.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 12-Mar-85 21:37:47 EST
Article-I.D.: gloria.1009
Posted: Tue Mar 12 21:37:47 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 16-Mar-85 02:13:59 EST
References: <1027@decwrl.UUCP>
Organization: The Church of Artificial Intelligence
Lines: 19

["A true seaman is never lost!" --Water Polo]

I'm taking this out of net.religion - it clearly belongs
in the ghetto.

For most people the theory of evolution is neither scientific
nor metaphysical - it's psychological.

Some people like to think that they were evolved.  Some
people like to think that they were created.

The first kind of people are disgusted by the thought of
divine intervention in their genealogy.  The second kind
are disgusted by the thought of apes in their genealogy.

Me?  I'm not a descendant, I'm an ancestor.
Col. G. L. Sicherman