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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!bonnie!akgua!sdcsvax!sdcrdcf!trwrb!trwrba!cepu!hao!ward
From: ward@hao.UUCP (Mike Ward)
Subject: To Paul DuBois
Message-ID: <1391@hao.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 11-Mar-85 15:32:11 EST
Article-I.D.: hao.1391
Posted: Mon Mar 11 15:32:11 1985
Date-Received: Fri, 15-Mar-85 05:26:39 EST
Distribution: net
Organization: High Altitude Obs./NCAR, Boulder CO
Lines: 30

Open letter to Paul DuBois

Once again the issue of what Scientific Creationism is has arisen.
In a recent, very long, posting you admitted that you have been
challenged "often" to state your position, and have failed to
do so.  You neglected to state - perhaps you forgot - that you
promised to make such a statement.  In the past several months
you have said that such a statement was not posted because of
time constraints.

Since you have time enough to post well-researched articles rebutting
the views of scientists, you should also have the time to tell
us just what it is that you beleive.  

Since you are the only creationist I have read who displays even
a shred of intelligence, integrity, and ability to reason (and,
in my opinion, you show a quite a bit of these), I am eager to
read what it is that you feel you can defend.

Please, Paul, let us know what it is that you beleive.  You did


Michael Ward, NCAR/SCD
UUCP: {hplabs,nbires,brl-bmd,seismo,menlo70,stcvax}!hao!ward
ARPA: hplabs!hao!ward@Berkeley
BELL: 303-497-1252
USPS: POB 3000, Boulder, CO  80307