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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!bonnie!akgua!sdcsvax!sdcrdcf!hplabs!amdahl!rtech!jeff
From: jeff@rtech.ARPA (Jeff Lichtman)
Newsgroups: net.nlang
Subject: Another Semantic Reversal
Message-ID: <244@rtech.ARPA>
Date: Thu, 21-Mar-85 03:02:54 EST
Article-I.D.: rtech.244
Posted: Thu Mar 21 03:02:54 1985
Date-Received: Mon, 25-Mar-85 02:30:21 EST
Distribution: net
Organization: Relational Technology, Berkeley CA
Lines: 7

An obsolete meaning of the word "upset" is "to set up or raise; to put
upright" (Webster's 2nd).  It seems logical that this was the original
meaning.  One of its current meanings (to overturn) is almost the opposite
of the original.  Does anyone know how this reversal came about?
Jeff Lichtman at rtech (Relational Technology, Inc.)
aka Swazoo Koolak