Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/18/84; site ptsfa.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!mhuxt!houxm!whuxl!whuxlm!akgua!mcnc!philabs!cmcl2!seismo!umcp-cs!gymble!lll-crg!dual!ptsfa!bdp From: bdp@ptsfa.UUCP (Barbara Petersen) Newsgroups: net.cooks Subject: Re: sandwich fillings (Peanut Butter) Message-ID: <524@ptsfa.UUCP> Date: Fri, 22-Mar-85 22:37:44 EST Article-I.D.: ptsfa.524 Posted: Fri Mar 22 22:37:44 1985 Date-Received: Tue, 26-Mar-85 06:21:05 EST References: <135@Navajo.ARPA> <7427@rochester.UUCP> Distribution: net Organization: Pacific Bell, San Francisco Lines: 11 > Does anyone have favorite peanut butter sandwich recipes? A couple of > my favorites have gotten me weird looks, but they are very tasty. One of my favorites is peanut butter, mustard (not the fancy kinds-- just plain old French's), and bologna. Needless to say, this has earned its share of strange looks; it's actually quite good, though. Barbara Petersen | And every bear that ever there was ..!dual!ptsfa!bdp | Is gathered there for certain because | Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic!