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From: eac@drutx.UUCP (CveticEA)
Newsgroups: net.cooks
Subject: Re: controversy in net.cooks
Message-ID: <2333@drutx.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 25-Mar-85 11:57:43 EST
Article-I.D.: drutx.2333
Posted: Mon Mar 25 11:57:43 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 26-Mar-85 05:37:48 EST
References: <1027@gloria.UUCP>
Organization: AT&T Information Systems Laboratories, Denver
Lines: 15

>	Spread one dozen graham crackers with Chinese red bean
>	paste.  Fold in half.  Serves 2-4.
>People either love this or hate it.  N.B.: they're sure to hate
>it if you try to make your own paste from kidney beans!  Your
>best bet is just to buy a can of the stuff.

Especially since red bean paste is made from red beans, not kidney beans.

Betsy Cvetic