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From: tjj@ssc-vax.UUCP (T J Jardine)
Newsgroups: net.cooks
Subject: Re: What is achiote? annato seeds
Message-ID: <523@ssc-vax.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 17-Mar-85 20:42:44 EST
Article-I.D.: ssc-vax.523
Posted: Sun Mar 17 20:42:44 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 19-Mar-85 05:49:01 EST
References: <442@teklds.UUCP>
Organization: Boeing Aerospace Co., Seattle, WA
Lines: 31

> Does anyone in net.cooks land know what achiote otherwise
> known as annato seeds is used for?  We have a jar and don't 
> know how to use it.
> .......................Rich Caldwell richca@teklds
> 		       tektronix!teklds!richca

Thought that I had seen this name before, so looked it up in ye old Webster
first.  Annatto is the name of a tropical American tree that yields seeds
that are used among other things to produce a red-orange dye.  In Spanish-
speaking areas of the Caribbean and Central Latin America the seeds are
called achiote.  The reference I remembered I found again in our Foods of
the World book "The Cooking of the Caribbean Islands".  The Puerto Ricans
apparently use achiote in a similar fashion to the Indian use of saffron.
An example given is creating a basis for sauces by stirring a small amount
of achiote into lard or oil until a vivid red-orange color is obtained.  The
achiote seeds are removed and such things as cilantro, sweet peppers, onions,
garlic, tomatoes, and salt pork are added.  Simmering these ingredients makes
a sauce called sofrito.  This sauce is the beginning of such dishes as asapao,
ropa vieja, and various vegetable dishes.  If you have access to the book I
mentioned, there are references on pages 38, 41, and 146.  I wasn't able to
find any more specific recipes than what I have indicated here.  Hope this
helps some.

Ted Jardine
TJ (with Amazing Grace) The Piper
Boeing Artificial Intelligence Center
TJ (with Amazing Grace) The Piper
Boeing Artificial Intelligence Center