Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/18/84; site lanl.ARPA Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!allegra!bellcore!decvax!genrad!panda!talcott!harvard!seismo!cmcl2!lanl!jlg From: jlg@lanl.ARPA Newsgroups: net.arch Subject: Re: RMS v/s UNIX (non-religious) -- fun with TM Message-ID: <23451@lanl.ARPA> Date: Mon, 18-Mar-85 19:22:38 EST Article-I.D.: lanl.23451 Posted: Mon Mar 18 19:22:38 1985 Date-Received: Fri, 22-Mar-85 00:55:05 EST References: <740@unmvax.UUCP> Sender: newsreader@lanl.ARPA Organization: Los Alamos National Laboratory Lines: 38 > 4. >MOST computers can SIMULATE a Turing machine. The only thing that prevents > >them from being computationally equivalent to a Turing machine is the lack > >of an infinite store. But even an infinite store can be SIMULATED by simply > >changing the disk packs as they fill. > > I think you are confusing *very large* with infinite. I think YOU are confusing 'simulation' with 'computational equivalence'. The two are not synonymous. 'Infinite' can be simulated by 'very large', it's fairly easy and I gave an example of how to do it. > 5. >Theorems of computational equivalence > >can (and frequently are) applied to finite systems as well as infinite ones. > > That is true, but your application was way off base. First there is your claim > "since VAX-UNIX can simulate a general Turing machine and can therefore > perform ANY computable function." > which is not even remotely true. Then there is the fact that TM are models of > computation, which does not always directly concern "issues pertaining to > locks." An example is the locking protocol of an Ethernet where there are > real-time concerns ... "time" from a TM perspective is quite different from > real-time. Just how do you model an ethernet with a TM? Real easy to model an ethernet with a Turing Machine - keep time as a variable within the code. This is how modeling is done. A lot of physical phenomena occur in time-frames of 10^(-10) seconds or less, no computer (yet) can run this fast, but the phenomena CAN be modeled (we do it all the time). As for locks in VAX/UNIX vs. VAX/VMS - both systems fail to be computationally equivalent to Turing Machines in the same way: lack of infinite store. Therefore, any proceedure which works on a VAX/VMS system can also be made to work on a VAX/UNIX system with, at most, an addition of storage. The VMS locking protocol supposedly works on VAX/VMS systems, so it can also be implemented on a VAX/UNIX system. If nothing else you can simulate a bare VAX under UNIX and run VMS on that virtual machine. J. Giles