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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!bonnie!akgua!sdcsvax!sdcc3!sdcc13!ee163acp
From: ee163acp@sdcc13.UUCP (DARIN JOHNSON)
Newsgroups: net.lang.prolog,
Subject: Re: Anyone interested in prolog and translation into/out of Esperanto?
Message-ID: <184@sdcc13.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 23-Mar-85 12:02:30 EST
Article-I.D.: sdcc13.184
Posted: Sat Mar 23 12:02:30 1985
Date-Received: Mon, 25-Mar-85 02:19:59 EST
References: <1343@druny.UUCP>
Organization: U.C. San Diego, Academic Computer Center
Lines: 15
Xref: watmath net.lang.prolog:479

> The European Economic Community is sponsoring the Dutch company BSO (in
> Utrecht) to study semi-automatic translation between European languages
> using an Intermediate Language (IL) based on Esperanto (see below).
> First, a non-linguist would enter the original text, while the system
> (a set of 5 68000's) translated it into the IL, and asked questions (in
> the source language) to resolve ambiguities.  The end user would then
> use a workstation equipped with a single 68000 to call up the database
> of IL text and translate (fully automatically) selected material into
> the desired target language.  They are writing the system in PROLOG,
> using a Vax running UNIX as the development system.

Wow!  I had always thought this would be a good method (using Esperanto in
the middle) to translate between two languages.  I guess it's too late
to rush off and do it myself now.  Oh well.....