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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!cbosgd!osu-eddie!bgsuvax!blackwel
From: blackwel@bgsuvax.UUCP (Simon Blackwell)
Subject: Hangul
Message-ID: <293@bgsuvax.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 21-Mar-85 18:52:37 EST
Article-I.D.: bgsuvax.293
Posted: Thu Mar 21 18:52:37 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 23-Mar-85 00:41:39 EST
Organization: Bowling Green State University, OH
Lines: 13

Not only is the written language of Korea, Hangul, a beautifully
structured language, the semantics of the Korean language are quite
logical. For instance: `neck' is `mok', `hand' is `son', `wrist' is
`son mok', `foot' is `pal', `ankle' is `pal mok', `head' is `mori',
`hair' is `mori karak', `fingers' .... , `toes' ....

It is also interesting that there is a fairly strong interest in
logical positivism in Korea, an area of philosophy that many AI people
should probably investigate further.

Simon Y. Blackwell
Dept. of Philosophy