Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83 SMI; site ur-laser.uucp
Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!allegra!bellcore!decvax!genrad!panda!talcott!harvard!seismo!rochester!ur-laser!bill
From: bill@ur-laser.uucp (Bill Lampeter)
Subject: sun responsiveness
Message-ID: <276@ur-laser.uucp>
Date: Mon, 11-Feb-85 01:12:50 EST
Article-I.D.: ur-laser.276
Posted: Mon Feb 11 01:12:50 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 13-Feb-85 02:52:09 EST
Organization: Lab for Laser Energetics, Univ. of Rochester
Lines: 38

   				UR    \|/
				------- -  
   				LLE   /|\

1) Our suns (a 100 and 150) arrived in 9/83.  They arrived somewhat
late, as expected, but not disappointingly late.  

2) Delivery of src took awhile, friendly folks in the NJ office said
kind things and did what they could.  The bottleneck was in CA.

3) Several people at Sun pulled for us on this one: the bottleneck,
however *IS STILL* in CA.  To fulfill a contract we need to put some extra
boards in a (Multibus cardcage) Sun.  There is no more room in 
either Sun.  Our most economical choice is to purchase a "stripped" 150 
(or 170) and populate it with the boards from the 100 and those from
the new device.  
   Sun went as far as to quote a price for a "stripped" cardcage (a Sun
computer sans the boards).  Assuming that the stripped Sun was as good
as delivered, we pursued the contract.  About two weeks 
after giving us a quote our Sun sales rep called to say that the 
stripped Sun did not exist, would not exist, and could not be delivered.
Promises, promises.  Too bad none of this was in writing.  

4) Repairs and tech support from Sun have been typically fast, friendly,
and helpful. 

5) Only hardware problem has been a graphics board with a stuck bit
in the y-address register.  It was fixed in a few days.

I am generally pleased with SUN and its people, however I am less than
pleased with issue #3.

Bill Lampeter
{seismo, allegra}!rochester!ur-laser!bill -- USENET