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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!cbosgd!apr!osu-eddie!romig
From: romig@osu-eddie.UUCP
Subject: Sun responsiveness
Message-ID: <93@osu-eddie.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 8-Feb-85 18:27:03 EST
Article-I.D.: osu-eddi.93
Posted: Fri Feb  8 18:27:03 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 9-Feb-85 09:29:30 EST
Sender: romig@osu-eddie.UUCP
Organization: Ohio State Univ., CIS Dept., Cols, Oh.
Lines: 31

From: romig (Steve Romig)

We didn't have any problems (that I know of, anyhow) when we put our request
out for bids, etc.  No complaints from us in terms of dealing with the sales
reps during the purchasing stages, etc.  The only problem wasn't really a
problem:  they told us that the workstations might probably arrive vastly
later than we hoped, and they were right.  Since they told us, we expected
it, and things were cool.

Our Sun 170 arrived in October or something like that - installation
was easy.  We got a 120 a few weeks later - this had a few problems:
it's display didn't work, and the ethernet (a Vax running 4.2 and the
Sun 170) stopped working.  Since the 120 wouldn't boot even using the
display from the 170, we figured that the ethernet board in the 170
had bit the dust.  We've been real pleased with the way repairs work 
(at least while we are on warrenty...) - call Sun and tell them the 
scoop, they called us back within a day in each case to let us know 
that replacements are on their way, they ship them via overnight mail,
and we're off and running within a day or two.  It took maybe 3 days to
take care of the main problems with both of the 120's we got.  

I haven't been real impressed with the quality control - there's been a
problem with each of the systems we've received so far (the 170 lost it's
ethernet board after about a week of running here, the first 120 came with a
bum monitor, and the second 120 came with a bad display board.)  But our
dealings with the sales people and the customer service people have been
real pleasant.  One of my favorite companies to deal with.

--- Steve Romig