Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site pyuxd.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!gamma!pyuxww!pyuxd!rlr From: rlr@pyuxd.UUCP (Professor Wagstaff) Newsgroups: net.religion,net.religion.jewish,net.religion.christian Subject: Re: the "apostate Jew" Message-ID: <531@pyuxd.UUCP> Date: Wed, 13-Feb-85 19:48:07 EST Article-I.D.: pyuxd.531 Posted: Wed Feb 13 19:48:07 1985 Date-Received: Thu, 14-Feb-85 02:44:47 EST References: <247@unm-la.UUCP>, <465@pyuxd.UUCP> <1826@pucc-h> Organization: Huxley College Lines: 38 Xref: watmath net.religion:5612 net.religion.jewish:1452 net.religion.christian:210 >>As for my being called "an apostate Jew", just remember that "apostate Jew" >>who defined Christianity, right, Ken? :-) [ROSEN] > Being an apostate Jew is not sufficient to make you able to define > Christianity. I never said it was. I was referring to Ken's remark of some time ago when he said "I just love seeing an apostate Jew define Christianity for us". > Being anyone other than Christ is insufficient; Being anyone other than X is insufficient for defining any X-ism. So? > but at least > some of the other "apostate Jews" who produced many of the early Christian > writings had spent time with the incarnate Jesus and both knew and believed > what they were writing about. Again, so? I really don't understand the point. > This is the exact opposite of Rosen's view of religion; In what way? Compared to what? What are you talking about? I'm truly lost. > so his views of Christianity, Judaism, even Ubizmatism must be > taken with a bucket of salt. Too much salt is bad for you Jeff. As is too much presumption... Forgive me, but all I saw here was an article making more claims about my "views of religion" (though what these claims are I'm not sure from reading) that deserved some sort of answer. Sorry, Hutch, if you deem this one "impolite" as well. -- -- Jeff Sargent {decvax|harpo|ihnp4|inuxc|ucbvax}!pur-ee!pucc-h:aeq "Head him off at the pass!" (advice by a mother to her daughter) -- "I don't understand. Is it modern?" Rich Rosen pyuxd!rlr