Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/18/84 exptools; site ihuxp.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!ihnp4!ihuxp!wbpesch From: wbpesch@ihuxp.UUCP (pesch) Newsgroups: net.religion,net.philosophy Subject: Cults & Religion & Athiests Message-ID: <1025@ihuxp.UUCP> Date: Sat, 9-Feb-85 14:07:33 EST Article-I.D.: ihuxp.1025 Posted: Sat Feb 9 14:07:33 1985 Date-Received: Mon, 11-Feb-85 05:58:55 EST References: <232@abnji.UUCP> Distribution: net Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories Lines: 36 Xref: watmath net.religion:5571 net.philosophy:1452 > >If we really follow it we find the world is divided into christians and > >cultists exclusively and exhaustively...interesting. > > I don't believe that that definition includes atheists or agnostics. Atheism, > as often "practiced" is not a religion, in fact is a denial of all religion. > > JCA, Yes, Atheism is not a "religion". No, Atheism is not a denial of all religion. Atheism is the denial of the existence of a God(s) (that means your God, his God, her God, and even THEIR God, i.e. think of all the various permutations and then negate that set, giving the null set of Gods) This doesn't mean that Atheists are against religions. It is a good "opiate of the masses" (also sheep and ferns). I am in favor of religions - they give those who are not able to handle reality by themselves a "crutch" (something to lean against.) In fact, I think that the "masses" need that always-correct leadership provided by their God and His leadership on Earth to tell them what's correct. The "masses" don't want individual thought, they want to be happy droids following the latest fads from California, what they see in movies, and what their religious leaders tell them. And for the cross-posting to net.philosophy, here is an interesting question to ponder - If religion (i.e. worship to and dictates from a Supreme Being) did not exist, never did, what impact would that have on our philosophies, psychologies, being, actions, etc? Walt Pesch AT&T Technologies ihnp4!ihuxp!wbpesch