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From: rlr@pyuxd.UUCP (Dinsdale Piranha)
Newsgroups: net.religion
Subject: Re: A short essay on tolerance
Message-ID: <466@pyuxd.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 5-Feb-85 11:28:40 EST
Article-I.D.: pyuxd.466
Posted: Tue Feb  5 11:28:40 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 10-Feb-85 03:45:24 EST
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> I would like to believe that most people have enough moral sense to
> see that firebombing anything is but a reprehensible act;  [WINGATE]

*I* would like to believe that most people have enough moral sense to
  see that manipulative proselytizing directed at children is a reprehensible

But, then, that would be wishful thinking, wouldn't it? :-?
When you're omniscient, everything's a tautology.      Rich Rosen    pyuxd!rlr