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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!bonnie!akgua!whuxlm!harpo!decvax!genrad!panda!talcott!harvard!seismo!ut-sally!ut-ngp!shell!starr
From: starr@shell.UUCP (Bob Starr)
Newsgroups: net.micro,net.mag
Subject: Re: Infoworld
Message-ID: <238@shell.UUCP>
Date: Tue, 5-Feb-85 01:56:31 EST
Article-I.D.: shell.238
Posted: Tue Feb  5 01:56:31 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 9-Feb-85 08:47:35 EST
References: <254@water.UUCP>  <130@unc.UUCP> <>
Reply-To: starr@shell.UUCP (Bob )
Organization: Shell Development Co., P&CS Dept., Houston TX
Lines: 3
Xref: watmath net.micro:9321 net.mag:120

Well, even with the "problems" with the AT hard disk, a *professional*
magazine does not give 3 stars to the Coleco Adam, and two to the PC/AT.