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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!gamma!epsilon!zeta!sabre!leopard!ron
From: ron@leopard.UUCP (Ron Bach)
Subject: Re: Phonetic Alphabets
Message-ID: <123@leopard.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 13-Feb-85 18:21:59 EST
Article-I.D.: leopard.123
Posted: Wed Feb 13 18:21:59 1985
Date-Received: Thu, 14-Feb-85 02:45:57 EST
References: <365@wnuxb.UUCP>
Organization: Bell Communications Research, NVC, 331 Newman Springs Road, Red Bank, NJ 07701
Lines: 25

> I know of two phonetic alphabets.  One begins ABLE, BAKER, CHARLIE ...
> The second is of military origin and begins  ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, DELTA
> Can someone complete the alphabets ?   Are there other similar alphabets
> in common use ?
> 						Larry Johnson
> 						ihnp4!wnuxb!laj

Both I believe are Military alphabets, the first is the older version used
until sometime into the 50's or 60's.  When I was in the AF the second went

Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Gulf, Hotel, India, Juliet,
Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Poppa, Quebec, Romeo, Serra, Tango
Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu.

Quebec is pronounced like kay-bek.

Zulu replaced Zebra, (remember the movie Ice station ZEBRA) and I believe
India and Oscar replaced Ocean and Ida.

...{allegra|belcore|ihnp4|vax135}!leopard!ron	Ron Bach
   Rumors Mongered here.			Bell Communications Research
   These are my opinions not the management's.	331 Newman Springs Road
   They have to get their own.			Red Bank, NJ 07701