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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!ihnp4!ihlpg!jcjeff
From: jcjeff@ihlpg.UUCP (jeffreys)
Subject: Re: Trivia question
Message-ID: <171@ihlpg.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 11-Feb-85 13:55:02 EST
Article-I.D.: ihlpg.171
Posted: Mon Feb 11 13:55:02 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 12-Feb-85 06:18:47 EST
References: <137@ihlpg.UUCP> <7300015@uokvax.UUCP>
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories
Lines: 47

Here was my original listing:

>>Ok, here we go, can ANYBODY tell me what I am describing?
>>There are others but,
>>The yellow one goes round and round,
>>The green one sounds as though it is somewhat local,
>>And the purple, or maroon ones sounds as though it was for use by
>>dignitaries of the Greek Ortodox Church
>>Hint: I'm from England!

The one and only attempt at an answer was as follows

> I'll hazard a guess and say that what you are describing is the
> London Underground(a.k.a subway) System.  Am I right?
> 				Tim Fitzgerald
> 				{allegra,ihnp4}!convex!ctvax!uokvax!tfitzger

Congratulations Tim, You are correct.......

The yellow one goes round and round,
This is the Circle Line

The green one sounds as though it is somewhat local,
The District Line

And the purple, or maroon ones sounds as though it was for use by
dignitaries of the Greek Ortodox Church
And finally The Metropolitian Line

......If there was a prize (which there wasn't) you would have won it.

          [ You called all the way from America - Joan Armatrading ]          
 [ You're never alone with a rubber duck - Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy ]
||      From the keys of Richard Jeffreys ( British Citizen Overseas )      ||
||              @ AT&T Bell Laboratories, Naperville, Illinois              ||
||  General disclamer about anything and everything that I may have typed.  ||