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From: vishniac@wanginst.UUCP (Ephraim Vishniac)
Subject: Re: Re: Zork 2: Is this a bug?
Message-ID: <207@wanginst.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 11-Feb-85 08:21:14 EST
Article-I.D.: wanginst.207
Posted: Mon Feb 11 08:21:14 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 13-Feb-85 03:26:49 EST
References: <188@wanginst.UUCP> <806@noscvax.UUCP>
Distribution: net
Organization: Wang Institute, Tyngsboro, Ma.  01879
Lines: 37

>   1. Is there a way to get the red sphere in the dingy closet??
>   2. I have put the lizard to sleep (in the guarded room) but
>   how do you open the door???
>   3. How do you get to the passage behind the dragon??
>   4. What do you feed the cerberus to get into Hades??
>   5. Is there  way to get out of the bank with the portrait
>   and the money?? I can only get out with one or the other.
>   Any help would be appreciated.
>      Nick

1. There must be.

2. Have you tried the tiny golden key?  Probably not, since you won't have
   it until after you visit the room guarded by the dragon.  BTW, how did
   you narcotize the lizard?

3. The dragon is useful to you, if you can get him in the right place.
   Once you do, he'll automatically do you a good turn and kill himself.

4. Sleeping pills?  I tried Bullfinch's Mythology, but it wasn't helpful.

5. I'm told (I've been busy with other puzzles) that if you give the
   portrait to the gnome of Zurich, there is some way to come back later
   and retrieve it by presenting a card (?) that you find somewhere.

Ephraim Vishniac
  [apollo, bbncca, cadmus, decvax, harvard, linus, masscomp]!wanginst!vishniac