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From: rob@ark.UUCP (Rob van Leeuwen)
Subject: Re: battlestar: I can't get it to compile!
Message-ID: <428@ark.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 9-Feb-85 11:31:12 EST
Article-I.D.: ark.428
Posted: Sat Feb  9 11:31:12 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 13-Feb-85 03:23:34 EST
References: <349@flame.UUCP>
Reply-To: rob@ark.UUCP (PUT YOUR NAME HERE)
Organization: VU Informatica, Amsterdam
Lines: 32
Summary: Running battlestar on 4.1

In article <349@flame.UUCP> kay@flame.UUCP (Kay Dekker) writes:
>In com6.c there's a line 
>struct timeval tv;
>and our compiler barfs at this with "unknown size".
>We're running 4.1BSD on a Vax750.  Any ideas?

I've had the same problem.
Bringing the game up required the following steps:

(all in com6.c):
	Remove the #including of 
	Change 'struct timeval tv' to 'long tv'
	Change 'gettimeofday...' to 'time( &tv )'
	Change 'date = ctime( ...' to 'date = ctime h( &tv )'

This introduced another difficulty: for some reason the loader complained
about 'time' being multiply defined (Even after changing all occurences of
the variable 'time' (NOT the function, of course) to 'Time'!)
So I decided to #define Time XTime and changed 'Time' (formerly 'time') in

It wasn't all yet: change sigblock() to sighold( SIGINT )	and
			  sigsetmask() to sigrelse( SIGINT ) (also in com6.c)

That did it.

P.S.: Sorry for not sending a diff;  I removed the sharfile after
unsharring. (Silly me, being so ignorous).

					Rob van Leeuwen