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From: dossamg@houxn.UUCP (A.GOPIN)
Subject: StarFleet Battles Platest (long)
Message-ID: <518@houxn.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 11-Feb-85 09:11:01 EST
Article-I.D.: houxn.518
Posted: Mon Feb 11 09:11:01 1985
Date-Received: Tue, 12-Feb-85 05:47:16 EST
Organization: AT&T Information Systems, Holmdel NJ
Lines: 233

One of the five SFB playtest scenarios I am responsible for appears
below. If you wish to work on it please submit a report to me by
25 Feb. 1985. The report should include the following:
    The names of all the people who participated
        (so they can get listed in the credits).
    The scenario number.
    The number of times it was played.
    The number of times it was completed.
    Does the scenario "work?" Why or Why not?
    Is the scenario balanced? If not, who does it favor and why?
    Is there a "trick key" that can unlock this scenario and make it
        fall apart (become dull or disappointing)? If so, what is it
        and how can it be fixed?
    Should any changes be made?
    Any other useful comments.

				Thanks for your help
				Alan Gopin
				a.k.a. Cat Who Sleeps With Dogs
				Commanding: 3rd Kzinti Field Force

    In Y184, an Andromedan Dominator-class ship suffered and unexplained
problem and was abandoned by its crew, who escaped in the satellite
ships after setting demolition charges. This mini-campaign, consisting
of three scenarios, depicts the filght of these ships as they headed for
a rendezvous point. The Andormedans had an advantage in that they were
not particularly important in themselves, and there was no need for a 
"capture at all costs" order to be issued.
    This scneario shows that (G19.13) is not as simple an operation as
it sounds.

(T7.1) FORCES: The Andromedan force initially consists of one
Terminator, one Courier, and three Cobras. Each scenario begins with
the survivors of the previous scenario, or the scnearios can be played
independently o the campaign.

(T7.2) REPAIRS: The Andromedan ships have no repair stations on their
route, and no capability for resupply. Between scenarios, their repair
capability is limited to completing any (D9.7) repairs up to the per
scenario limit (D9.76).

(T7.3) ELECTRONIC WARFARE: If not using these rules, replace the Courier
with another Cobra.

    The Andromedan ships raided a small Federation colony for supplies.
Believing that no pursuit was forthcoming, they set off at a fuel-
conserving speed while storing the cargo. Unfortunately for the 
Andromedans, a Federation task force arrived shortly after the raid for
their own supply pickup. Finding the base in ruins, the Federation force
took off in pursuit of the fleeing Andromedans.

(T7S1.1) NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2; the Andromedan player and the Federation

FEDERATION: DN+ in 0505, CA+ in 0406, FFG in 0607, FFS in 0303.
    All ships at spped max, heading C, WS-III.
ANDROMEDANS: 3xCobra, 1xCourier, 1x Terminator within 3 hexes of 3115.
    All ships at speed 10, heading C, WS-I.

(T7S1.3) LENGTH OF SCENARIO: The scenario continues until all units
belonging to one player have been captured or destroyed or have

(T7S1.41) Use a floating map.
(T7S1.42) All drones are type-IF.
(T7S1.43) Due to the fact that the cargo has not been properly stored,
the Andromedan ships cannot exceed speed 15 or disengage by acceleration
until this has been completed. Each Andromedan ship rolls one die at the
start of each turn (before energy allocation); the total is kept for
each separate ship. Whend the total of these die rolls exceeds 15,
the cargo has been stowed and the ships can operate at full speed or
disengage by acceleration.
(T7S1.44) To qualify for the next scenario, each ship must complete the
storage of its cargo and disengage in direction C (toward the Romulan

(T7S1.5) VICTORY CONDITIONS: Use the Modified Victory Conditions for
the Federation. In a campaign scenaro, the extent of Andromedan
"victory" is irrelevant, as their mission is to escape. In a non-campaign
scenario, give the Andromedans a 100 point bonus for each of their
ships that successfully disengages. Use this bonus to calculate the
Andromedan, but not Federation, victory level.

(T7S1.6) VARIATIONS: If not using electronic warfare, replace the
Courier with a Cobra and the FFS with an FFG.

(T7S1.7) BALANCE: Add or delete a Federation FFG.

(T7S1.81) The Andromedans should stick together and try to destroy
one Federation ship at a time. As progress with the cargo reaches
completion, dietermine if one ship has a combination of damage,
full capacitorn, and slow cargo handlers. Consider using this ship
as a suicide rearguard, sending it into the Federation fleet and then
firing at it to cause an explosion.
(T7S1.82) The Federation force should concentrate on one Andromedan ship
at a time, overloading its panels and destroying it. Don't be greedy.
Settle for one or two ships.

(T7S1.9) PLAYTESTERS COMMENTS: You provide these.

    Needing more supplies to reach rendezvous, the Andromedans contacted
an ORion and arranged to pick up more fuel at a series of remote ares.
Unfortunately, A Gorn Task Force on its way to Tholian territory
blundered into the Andromedan force while it was refueling. Once again,
the Andromedans were in trouble.

(T7S2.1) NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2; the Andromedan player and the Gorn player.

GORN: BC, HDD, PFT (four PFs docked) within two hexes of 3803.
    PFs in 3410 and 3612 as advance guard.
    All ships heading E, speed 10, WS-I.
ANDROMEDANS: Survivors of (T7S1.0) or:
    2xCobra, 1xTerminator, 1xCourier within two hexes of 2020.
    Above ships heading C, speed 0, WS-I.
    Orion Slavage cruiser in 2020, Slaver in 2019.
    Above ships heading A, speed 0, WS-I.

(T7S2.3) LENGTH OF SCENARIO: The scenario continues until all units
belonging to one player have been captured or destroyed or have

(T7S2.41) Use a floating map.
(T7S2.42) The Gorn PFs have booster packs.
(T7S2.43) Th Orion ships are under control of the Andromedan player.
Their option mounts have phaser-Is. The ships will not move, and will
fire their weapons only to protect themselves from plasma torpedoes.
They will not voluntarily drop a shield that is facing a Gorn ship.
If either receives internal damage, it will immediately cloak and
automatically disengage.
(T7S2.44) The Andromedan must receive four boxes of cargo for each of
their ships which will go to the next scenario. Not all of this cargo
must be transferred on the same turn, and it need not be placed on
different ships. When the scenario is over, the Andromedan player must
calculate how much cargl his disengaged ships have, and if he does not
have at least four boxes per ship, some of his ships must be abandoned.
    For example, three Andromedan ships disengage; the other(s) are
destroyed. One of these took on 7 boxes of cargo. the second received 4,
and the third none. As 11 boxes of cargo is only enough for two ships,
the thrid must be abandoned.
    Cargo can only be transferred by transporter; the ORion ships cannot
dock with the Andromedans.
(T7S2.45) To qualify for the next scenario, each Andromedan ship must
disengage in direction C and must have enough cargo (T7S2.44) to supply
it for the remainder of the voyage.

(T7S2.5) VICTORY CONDITIONS: Use th Modified Victory Conditions for the
Gorns. In a campaign game scneario, the extent of th Andromedan
"victory" is irrelevant, as their mission is to escape. In a non-campaign
scenario, give the Andromedans a 100 point ponus for each of their ships
that successfully disengages. Use this bonus to calculate the Andromedan,
but not Gorn, victory level.

(T7S2.6) VARIATIONS; If not using electronic warfare, replace the
Courier with a Cobra.

(T7S2.7) BALANCE: You tell us

(T7S2.8) TACTICS: The Andromedans should send some of their ships to
fight while others load enough cargo for all. Remember the suicide
rearguard tactic. The Gorns should try for the Orions, concentrating
long-range phaser power, to force them to disenagage.

    Reached the desolate wasteland that had been the outer marches of
the Romulan Star Empire, the satellite ships approached the designated
site of their rendezvous with another Dominator. They found themselves,
incredibly, in the midst of one of the last significant battles of the

(T7S3.1) NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 3; the Federation player, the Romulan
player, and the Andromedan player.

FEDERATION: DN+, GSC (with 6xF-18), CA+ DD, 2XFFG, FFS
    Set up within three hexes of 0310, facing C, speed 10, WS-I.
ROMULAN: SupH (8xG-SF), SpH-E, SkH-A, KE, CH (3xGladiator), SkH-F.
    Set up within three hexes of 3726, facing F, speed 10, WS-I.
ANDROMEDANS: Survivors of (T7S2.0) or:
    2xCobra, 1xCourier, set up within two hexes of 2602, speed 10, WS-I.
    Dominator arrives 2330 at start of turn 2, heading A, speed 4, WS-I.

(T7S3.3) LENGTH OF SCENARIO: The scneario continues until all units
belonging to two players have been captured or destroyed or have

(T7S3.41) The map is fixed; it does not "float." Any ship leaving the
map has disengaged and cannot return. This is the only means by which
ships can disengage.
(T7S3.411) Federation ships can only disengage from the 01xx map edge.
(T7S3.412) Romulan ships can only disengage from the 42xx map edge.
(T7S3.413) The Andromedan Dominator can disengage from the xx30 map
edge of area E; the satellite ships cannot disengage independently.
(T7S3.42) All drones are type-IF or type-ISHF.
(T7S3.43) The satellite ships cannot exceed a speed of 20 due to lack
of fuel.
(T7S3.44) The Dominatory must leave the board before the end of turn 4.

(T7S3.5) VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Federation and Roumlans use the
Modified Victory Conditions, except that Andromedan ships count double
for purposes of scoring victory points. For the Andromedans, the only
victory condition is that their satellite ships escape.

(T7S3.6) VARIATIONS: If not using electronic warfare, delete the FFS and
SkH-E, and replace the Courier with a Cobra.

(T7S3.7) BALANCE: You tell us.

(T7S3.8) TACTICS: The SS are nearly free. Ignore the two fleets and run
the gauntlet.
