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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!bonnie!akgua!gatech!gitpyr!robert
From: robert@gitpyr.UUCP (Robert Viduya)
Subject: Re: battlestar: I can't get it to compile!
Message-ID: <112@gitpyr.UUCP>
Date: Sun, 10-Feb-85 07:46:32 EST
Article-I.D.: gitpyr.112
Posted: Sun Feb 10 07:46:32 1985
Date-Received: Mon, 11-Feb-85 07:57:01 EST
References: <349@flame.UUCP>
Organization: Georgia Tech, Atlanta
Lines: 47

Posted from  kay@flame.UUCP (Kay Dekker)
> In com6.c there's a line 
> struct timeval tv;
> and our compiler barfs at this with "unknown size".
> We're running 4.1BSD on a Vax750.  Any ideas?
> 					Kay.
> PS: also I think our distribution got munged. This may be the problem.
> -- 
> "News bug? WHAT news bug?"
> 			... mcvax!ukc!flame!kay

The problem isn't in the distribution, but in the #define's.  In either
com6.c or in one of the .h files (i forget how many there are), the
symbol TIME is defined.  In /usr/include/time.h, if the symbol TIME.H
is defined, then none of the structures declared in the include file
are compiled (look at the include file to see exactly what I mean). Cpp
considers TIME.H to be equal to TIME and so the necessary things from time.h
aren't declared resulting in the compiler error message.

Solution: do a 'grep TIME *.[ch]' in the battlestar directory to get a list
of files that it's used in and change them all to something different.  I
changed them to ZTIME, for lack of a better name.  Easiest way to do this
is probably:

	apply 'ed < ed_script' `fgrep TIME *.[ch]`
with the file 'ed_script' containing the following lines:


I haven't tried this (I was in the editor when I found the problem and changed
it on the fly), but I don't see any reason why it won't work.

One last note: I'm on a 4.2BSD system, and I don't know what the differences
are, so be warned.

Robert Viduya
Georgia Institute of Technology
