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From: matt@oddjob.UChicago.UUCP (Matt Crawford)
Newsgroups: net.sources,net.wanted.sources,
Subject: Re: Empire Source
Message-ID: <596@oddjob.UChicago.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 9-Feb-85 15:20:33 EST
Article-I.D.: oddjob.596
Posted: Sat Feb  9 15:20:33 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 10-Feb-85 06:32:52 EST
References: <8018@brl-tgr.ARPA> 
Reply-To: matt@oddjob.UUCP (Matt Crawford)
Organization: U. Chicago: Astronomy & Astrophysics
Lines: 47
Xref: watmath net.sources:2554 net.wanted.sources:467

(Pardon this posting in net.sources, friends, but I wanted to get that
 "Followup-To:" line in here.    -MC)

In article  sm@cadre.ARPA (Sean McLinden) writes:
>In article <8018@brl-tgr.ARPA> jais%ucsce.ucscc.UUCP%Berkeley@ucscc.UUCP writes:
>>	Does anyone out there have the source to Empire?  I have heard about
>>it and would like to get it for our game shell here at UCSC.  Thanks!
>This must be the single most asked question among Unix users. The answer
>is (insofar as I am aware): The first distributed version of Empire (the
>game), appeared on a Usenix tape for PDP-11 many years ago. The author
>was/is Peter Langston. The distribution included a few sources (for
>parts of the program which had local dependencies), but the meat of
>the distribution was in binary form.
>Subsequently there appeared versions for Vax (4.1 and 4.2), as well
>(and I don't know what else). These are ALL binary only. As far as I
>know, Peter Langston does not distribute sources. Someone has made a
>claim to have emulated Empire and had sources but I haven't heard that
>claim in a while.
>Peter Langston now works at Lucasfilm, Ltd., which has an unpublished
>uucp address (or did). I'm sure that someone could give you his mailing
>address For a copy you must send a blank tape and return postage, plus
>a description of what Unix version you are running.
>Sorry I can't help with the address. Good luck.
>Sean McLinden

Peter Langston moved on from LucasFilm to Bellcore some months ago.  He
had said to me that a new version of empire (again in binary, I assume)
would be forthcoming.  Since I haven't seen it I suppose that he is either
too busy or has lost interest.  (Deity forfend!)  Empire is a game which
*should* be distributed in binary, as some advantages would be possible
for any player who had examined the sources carefully.  (Ain't that right,
D.P.?)  The last version of empire had so many bugs and loopholes that
I don't think anyone plays it any more.  Certainly not around here.

Let me be so bold as to solicit pleas for a new version which I will forward
after a while to the last known net address of Mr. Langston.  Maybe his
sense of duty to his public will overcome his need for food and sleep.
Matt		University
Crawford	of Chicago	ihnp4!oddjob!matt