Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/18/84; site watrose.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!watrose!vljohnson From: vljohnson@watrose.UUCP (Lee Johnson) Newsgroups: Subject: Super Star Trek Message-ID: <7263@watrose.UUCP> Date: Sun, 10-Feb-85 00:52:00 EST Article-I.D.: watrose.7263 Posted: Sun Feb 10 00:52:00 1985 Date-Received: Sun, 10-Feb-85 06:11:16 EST Distribution: net Organization: U of Waterloo, Ontario Lines: 41 I am trying to locate an old favorite. Titled "University of Texas Super Star Trek," this venerable program is probably *the* best Star Trek program ever written. It is not a real-time game, but it is loaded to the gills with all sorts of features. The last version of it which I have seen was a FORTRAN IV version originally written for OS/360. Certain notable aspects of the game: - many skill levels (novice, fair, good, expert, emeritus) - Klingons, Klingon commanders, Klingon super-commanders, Romulans The commanders had a nasty habit of yanking you to their quadrant with a long-range tractor beam. - planets which may be prospected for dilithium crystals. If found, these could be mined by beaming down to the planet or by taking the shuttlecraft. (Interesting things would happen if the Enterprise was 'yanked' while you were down on the planet...) - a 'help' command which would attempt to beam you to the nearest starbase (this was not guaranteed to work every time!) - the ability to abandon ship (and obtain command of a less capable starship) - separate energy levels for deflector shields, a high-speed shield control - other miscellaneous goodies, such as a warp 10 time warp feature, supernovae, black holes (which could deflect torpedoes, etc), a very detailed damage control facility, a battle computer... - etc, etc. I am particularly interested in the source for this program, if it can be found. Does anyone out there remember this oldie-but-goodie? Regards, Lee Johnson (USENET: vljohnson@watrose.UUCP) "Starfleet Intelligence reports the starbase in sector 3 - 5 has been destroyed by the Klingon Super-commander."