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From: alt@duke.UUCP (Larry L. Taylor)
Subject: Ready to panic with Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Message-ID: <5376@duke.UUCP>
Date: Thu, 7-Feb-85 20:54:11 EST
Article-I.D.: duke.5376
Posted: Thu Feb  7 20:54:11 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 10-Feb-85 05:27:56 EST
Organization: Duke University
Lines: 20

 I have almost completed half of the game (170 out of 400 pts) but am
stuck at several points. Please enlightened me in a non-spoiling way
about the following:

     1) The War Chamber puzzle continues to perplex! Is there any
        way to get a reasonable response from the G'Gugvunt or 
        Vl'hurg leaders and avoid being eaten by the dog?

     2) The screening door still confounds me! 

     3) Is there any way to brew real tea without provoking the attack
        of the Magratheans?

For a standard level game I am finding Hitchikers amusing but perversely

                                            Don't Panic!
                                            Larry Taylor