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From: kay@flame.UUCP (Kay Dekker)
Subject: battlestar: I can't get it to compile!
Message-ID: <349@flame.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 6-Feb-85 12:35:31 EST
Article-I.D.: flame.349
Posted: Wed Feb  6 12:35:31 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 10-Feb-85 05:27:43 EST
Organization: VLSI Group, Warwick University, UK
Lines: 10

In com6.c there's a line 
struct timeval tv;
and our compiler barfs at this with "unknown size".
We're running 4.1BSD on a Vax750.  Any ideas?

PS: also I think our distribution got munged. This may be the problem.
"News bug? WHAT news bug?"
			... mcvax!ukc!flame!kay