Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/18/84; site cae780.UUCP Path: utzoo!utcs!lsuc!pesnta!amdcad!cae780!gordon From: gordon@cae780.UUCP (Brian Gordon) Newsgroups: net.flame Subject: Re: **FLAMES** (on RSVP) Message-ID: <449@cae780.UUCP> Date: Sun, 10-Feb-85 11:06:27 EST Article-I.D.: cae780.449 Posted: Sun Feb 10 11:06:27 1985 Date-Received: Tue, 12-Feb-85 14:23:53 EST References: <226@ttidcc.UUCP> Reply-To: gordon@cae780.UUCP (Brian Gordon) Organization: CAE Systems, Sunnyvale, CA Lines: 21 Keywords: ignorance, thoughtlessness, boorishness Summary: In article <226@ttidcc.UUCP> regard@ttidcc.UUCP (Adrienne Regard) writes: > >FOR ANY OF YOU WHO DON'T KNOW, THE NOTATION ON AN INVITATION "RSVP" >MEANS *SEND AN ANSWER* TO THE PERSON WHO GAVE YOU THE INVITATION!! > >I'm apalled at the number of people who apparently do not know what >those 4 little letters mean (french, repondez, s'il vous plait, or >translated "answer, if you please") ... But ... but ... but ... Do you mean that RSVP is not for 'Refreshments Served Very Promptly' (:-)) I have found a simple solution to the long-term problem. I never send an 'RSVP' invitation to someone who has failed to answer a previous one. Once bitten, ... I'll bet even Miss Mannors agrees. FROM: Brian G. Gordon, CAE Systems USENET: {ucbvax, ihnp4, decvax!decwrl}!amd!cae780!gordon {nsc, resonex, qubix, hplabs}!cae780!gordon USNAIL: 1333 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 AT&T: (408)745-1440