Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83 (MC830713); site snow.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!cbosgd!cbdkc1!desoto!packard!hoxna!houxm!whuxlm!akgua!sdcsvax!sdcrdcf!hplabs!hao!seismo!mcvax!ukc!qtlon!flame!ubu!snow!sahunt From: sahunt@snow.UUCP (Mr Angry) Newsgroups: net.followup,net.politics,net.politics.theory,net.flame Subject: Re: political interests: note Message-ID: <353@snow.UUCP> Date: Sun, 3-Feb-85 18:54:05 EST Article-I.D.: snow.353 Posted: Sun Feb 3 18:54:05 1985 Date-Received: Sun, 10-Feb-85 06:14:50 EST References: <275@we53.UUCP> Organization: the end of his tether Lines: 61 Xref: watmath net.followup:4438 net.politics:7493 net.politics.theory:52 net.flame:8279 [[[][]]] In <275@we53.UUCP> S. A. Looper writes:- > Posting this for a friend...I make no endorsements! > > WHO: anyone who either > > doesn't fit in the traditional liberal- > conservative spectrum > > or > > refuses to vote for the lesser > of two evils > > > WHAT: public meeting of the > Missouri Libertarian Party > > > WHERE: Community Credit Union in Creve Coeur, Missouri > corner of Graezer & Olive, > (on Olive between Lindbergh and I-270) > > > WHEN: Jan. 29, 1985 > 7pm to 9pm > > > for further info: > days - Eric at 233-7820 > nights - 731-1034 > > > > >**ihnp4!we53!sal S. A. Looper >(Confidence - the secret to the First Gate of the Southern Oracle) /**************/ gasMark (9); flame (on); WHAT THE HELL IS THIS DOING IN THE U.K.!!!??? ============================================= I'm sure even Americans outside of Missouri are unlikely to turn up - let alone us Europeans. so - RESTRICT THE DISTRIBUTION ON ITEMS ONLY OF LOCAL INTEREST!!! ----- Ask local newsguru if you don't know how. flame (off); -- From the cutting edge of computer science, Steve Hunt ... mcvax!ukc!qtlon!flame!ubu!snow!sahunt